How to Stay Positive In A World Gone Dark

As soon as one dramatic global event starts to wind down another starts up, immediately engaging our hearts, our attention, and our energy. Those who are capable of feeling compassion wonder how they can help, and those who do not feel for others wonder how they can capitalize on these events. This article will focus on those who feel others’ suffering deeply and become overwhelmed with it to the point of feeling depressed, hopeless, and helpless.

It is good to be aware of what’s happening in the world, but we have to understand that we are only responsible for ourselves and our immediate environment. It is not our place to aid every individual in the world who needs help, nor is it possible. But just because our arms can not reach another nation doesn’t mean it can not reach within our local community. There are people right in our hometown that absolutely need whatever extra we have to give and that can make a huge difference in a person’s life.

With regards to wondering if our world will survive the coming years, we should understand that there is an 8 billion member strong collective mind at work. The collective is an entity of its own. Individuals don’t have much of an impact on the whole, but they do in their respective circles of friends and family. Thus, our focus should be on where we do have an impact. The collective will take care of itself.

Let’s look at the popular half glass of water metaphor. A person looking at the glass half empty will worry about how much water there is, if their thirst will be quenched, where is more water coming from, there is not enough, etc. This person is anxiety-ridden and miserable. Another person looks at the glass half full, reaches out, drinks it down and is thankful for the water and how good it feels going down, and then goes about their day. This person is happy and generally in a good mood. Who would you rather hang out with? Who would you rather be? 

The circumstance is the exact same. Both people are aware of the glass. No one is delusional and saying the glass doesn’t exist. But their perspectives on how to regard that glass is very different. In the same way we can look at any kind of terrible news and understand there are greater forces at work here than our own. Let those greater forces do the worrying while we take action on the matters close to home that actually impact ourselves and our families. 

Whatever is happening, if we can say we’ve done the best that we could with what we had then that is good enough. Take heart knowing our light might be small but it is bright. Don’t let despair dim that light. Instead take actions that make your light bright, even if its only within your own home. Appreciate that your glass is half full and mankind is on the path it needs to be on, whatever that may look like. It is what it is and you do what you can. Know that even that much is enough.

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