From Live-Aboard to Life on Land.

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Hi! My name is Soanya. I want to raise awareness about living naturally and creating intergenerational homesteads so that our children can inherit a world worth living in. Feel free to have a look around!

activity book image

Fun Activity Books!

Topics include permaculture, gardening, chickens, family, solar energy and more.


40 puzzles 

Every word is directly related to the puzzle theme.

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New to sprouting beans and seeds?

I’ve been growing sprouts for 18 years and after all this time I still love them. They are so easy to grow and maintain as well as being a refreshing addition to any meal. It has become part of my routine. I actually miss it when I don’t have a jar of sprouts ready to eat. The best part is they don’t take much space, don’t need sunlight, and it takes less than a week to get results.

What are the forces of light? These… are all the bright thoughts ever produced by people. All space is filled with them.

kins domains, ringing cedars

What is a Kin's Domain?

Imagine the tree you planted, and perhaps put a swing on for your children, is cut down by your great-grandchildren to build a beautiful dining table for the family honoring their ancestors’ actions and memory.  A harmonious continuity can be achieved by just a small shift in our concept of a home…

Facing Our Ancestors: Is It A Good Idea?

One couldn’t get more intimate than holding a lifetime of a person’s memories. Then again what kind of Pandora’s box would we be opening if we tried to tune into the memories of our ancestors?

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